Welcome to the Open 3D Engine C03DEX, Journey's in Realtime 3D!

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Welcome to the Co3deX

Hello and welcome to the Open 3D Engine CO3DEX, a blog of my Journey’s in Real-time 3D Graphics and Technical Art. My name is Jonny Galloway, I work for @AWSCloud & my opinions are my own. The Open 3D Engine (O3DE.org) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations without any fees or commercial obligations. GitHub - o3de/o3de: Open 3D Engine (O3DE)

What is the Co3deX?

Well first of all, I just thought it would be a clever name.

    o3de = Open 3D Engine



  1. an ancient manuscript text in book form.

    • an official list of medicines, chemicals, etc.

Thus the c+o3de+x = co3dex is born. This co3dex documents many talents, spells, magic items, potions and equipment that determines to help users and the community get the best out of using O3DE to create experiences across many verticals … including VFX, Virtual Production, Game Development, Digital Twins and more.

Basically, I have a pretty deep understanding of the engine capabilities, as well as knowledge of more advanced workflows. These concepts often may not be well covered in the component documentation itself, or my not have tutorials written for them either. And sometimes, I want to cover the more abstract aspects or concepts themselves (why something is important, or why it was implemented that way, or how it actually works.) So, I wanted something like a blog so that I could teach people and do some knowledge transfer.

Extending on that, at work I am part of a team of talented Design Technologists, who all have experience in varying degrees of 3d design experience, and technical art backgrounds, in video games, vr, vfx, etc. We build things using the engine, editor and digital content creation (dcc) tool ecosystem, and have experience with technical art, python, ux prototyping and such. We also take active roles in the in ideating and building of entire workflows and pipelines used by other creatives. And we also serve as a fundamental bridge between product and engineering. So I often also think of my team as a codex resource of sorts…

Through that lens, we are the ‘Creative Opulence and Design EXperience’ group, working towards ‘Innovative First’ thinking and ‘Creative First’ excellence. We dream, we experiment, and we prototype. We often dogfood the customer experience of building experiences utilizing Amazon technologies using solutions like ‘Open 3D Engine’ (O3DE), and we use this experience to influence and improve the product design, feature set, tools and end-to-end workflows (in a systems cross-cutting manner.)

O3DE as a feature set is huge, there are many teams and always many things in flight. A lot of the foundation and core needs of actual shipping games cover cross-domain and cross-functional workflows and integrations across systems, not just the basic usage for a component. I want to help users understand how to better build experiences of many varieties Digital Twins, Automotive Car Configurators, Short Films, Video Games and more…

So there you go, the first post is live. More to come.

[EDIT] This Blog is considered personal use, I will not be formally discussing AWS and or Amazon strategic business. I will be talking to my own personal experience, and focus more on general topics such as Technical Art, developing free and open source software (FOSS), and other things related to video game development (and other verticals.)

import logging as _logging
_MODULENAME = 'co3dex'
_LOGGER = _logging.getLogger(_MODULENAME)
_LOGGER.info(f'Initializing: {_MODULENAME} ... Hello World!')

Disclaimer: I work for @AWSCloud & my opinions are my own. Views expressed are my own. The opinions expressed here belong solely to myself, and do not reflect the views of my employer AWS, the Open 3D Foundation (or their parent the Linux Foundation.) If you are a reporter, or news outlet, please contact AWS PR (I will not reply to requests for information, they will be forwarded to my PR representative.)

License: For terms please see the LICENSE*.TXT file at the root of this distribution.

// Copyright HogJonny-AMZN. or his affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

About Jonny Galloway
Jonny Galloway

Howdy I am HogJonny, a Sr. Design Technologist with AWS, working on technical art for Open 3D Engine.

Email : hogjonnyamzn@gmail.com

Website : http://jonathankimballgalloway.me

About HogJonny

Hi, my name is Jonny Galloway. I am a Sr. Design Technologist, I work for @AWSCloud & my opinions are my own. At AWS I am working on technology, tools and workflows for creative professionals like video game developers and others who need the best in 3D and Realtime Rendering tool-sets. He started in 1993 as a Media Service Intern making 3D clip art for Strata3D (a graphics company). His first 3D point and click adventure game took 3 yrs to make and was released in 1996, and he has been involved in the 3D entertainment and video game technology world ever since (29 yrs.) Over the course of his career he has been a 3D Artist, Game Designer, Creative Director, Art Director and Technical Art Director (coding, yeah!) He's been the project lead and Producer on projects from small indie games to big AAA projects, managing development teams. He's worked in creative design, ideation, planning, under Product Development on large open world games like GTA and the Red Dead franchise. Most recently he has worked at several video game technology companies making better tools and workflows, and provide quality of life for creative professionals working in 3D. His ambition and goal it to make Amazon AWS a visual technology powerhouse (and this starts with culture.) ** Views expressed are my own. All opinions are my own. The opinions expressed here belong solely to myself, and do not reflect the views of my employer / Amazon and AWS, the Open 3D Foundation or it's sponsors. **

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